Holy Week Family Devotional

Hey friends! Today begins one of my favorite weeks of the year. I have always tried to spend time this week following Jesus’ path from Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to the cross on Good Friday, then celebrating his resurrection on Easter Sunday morning.

For the Christian, holy week reminds us of two things. 1) The depths of sorrow and brokenness that Jesus experienced while on earth, and 2) The heights of joy and celebration as he rises again from the grave, victorious over death and darkness.

He experienced deep pain and suffering as a man, so he could identify with each of us in our darkest moments in life. And he experienced death on a cross and resurrection as our Savior, so we could have new life in him. On the cross, Jesus did for us what we could never have done on our own. I am so thankful!

Recently, singer/songwriter Andrew Peterson gave us the gift of completing the "Resurrection Letters" songs. I’ve been listening to them again the past few weeks and can’t get enough, so I wanted to share some thoughts with you this week.

After entering Jerusalem on a donkey, Jesus had a week full of encounters with people.  Some of them wanted to worship him, some of them wanted to kill him.  But everyone encountered him personally.  I invite you to redeem some of your time spent on social media this week by following Jesus’ steps to the cross. Each day, we will send a song for the day and a short scripture to read. But don’t hesitate to listen all you want to all of these songs every day.  (Resurrection Letters Volume 1 & Volume 2).  We are also sending these daily devotions through Facebook and Instagram, so be sure to follow us there to get a new devotion every day this week.

Grateful for the cross,

Ed Sweeny

PALM SUNDAY - “Hosanna”

Read Matthew 21:1-11.

The only way to truly appreciate the coming of Jesus into your life is to know how deeply you need him. The people of Jerusalem were living in a broken world filled with broken hearts, broken bodies, broken relationships, and broken families. Does this sound familiar? (some things never change). In Greek, Hosanna is a shout of worship, adoration, and praise. On this first Sunday, Jesus was greeted with these shouts of praise by a needy people who were hoping that he was, in fact, the king they were looking for. But in Hebrew, Hosanna means “Please save!”. This is the cry of the heart of a true believer. We need Jesus every hour, to continually redeem all that is broken in us.


O Hosanna!
See the long awaited king,
Come to set his people free.
We cry O Hosanna!
Come and tear the temple down.
Raise it up on holy ground.
Hosanna! Hosanna!



Read Colossians 1:15-20 and 2 Corinthians 4:16-18.

I have always wanted to see God with my eyes and hear his voice with my ears.  I have looked for writing in the clouds and asked for signs that would help me KNOW that he is with me.  But God doesn’t usually speak to his people that way.  Instead, he speaks to our hearts.  He created us in his image, which means that we are designed to see the world in a very different way. 

Human wisdom and understanding makes sense to our natural minds, but this is not the way that God desires we see the world.  Having a "Biblical perspective” means that we view all things, the best that we can, through the eyes of a God who is bigger, wiser, stronger, and much holier than we are.  This is called walking by faith, not by sight.  When we walk by “sight”, we see the world through human eyes and human understanding.  When we walk by “faith”, we are saying that we believe God is in control, and that he knows and understands things that I don’t. 

This is why we fix our eyes on what is unseen (or invisible), not on what we see.  God is working behind the scenes in each of our lives to bring his great plan to its completion, in his way and in his timing.  Keep trusting that he will show you his face in his perfect timing!  God alway completes the good work that he starts.  (Philippians 1:6)


And oh, I long to see your face,
Invisible, Invisible God.
All the works that you have made
Are clearly seen and plain as day,
So mighty and tender.
O Lord, let me remember



Read Isaiah 53

The words of Isaiah 53 were written by an Old Testament prophet.  He was writing about Jesus - “remembering” him - literally HUNDREDS of years before Jesus was even born.  God’s people were looking, hoping, and waiting for their promised King.  The one who would finally deliver them from slavery and bondage.  God spoke to his people through this prophet to remind them who he was and how he would eventually redeem them.  

The story was told over and over again about the original Passover, when families were saved by the blood of a sacrificial lamb spread on the doorposts of their homes.  On that night long ago, the angel of death passed over those homes that were “covered by the blood”.  God’s people were commanded to “shelter in place” and wait while God worked powerfully and mysteriously in the world.  

This was God’s plan from the beginning!  He would ultimately provide a final sacrificial lamb to rescue his people and lead them out of darkness.  Life from death.  Beauty from ashes.  Blessing from brokenness.  The words from this prophet are still so relevant today.  God’s people were waiting for their Savior’s arrival then; and still today, we are waiting for his coming again.

The day is coming soon when “The son will stand on the mount again with an army of angels at his command…”.   Christ is coming again to rescue and redeem us!  Until that day, we get to love others made in his image and long deeply for his return.  As we “shelter in place”, we get to walk by faith and anticipate the moving of his mighty hand. 


Now hear the voice of the Word made man

The spotless sacrificial Lamb

"A body You gave me, here I am

I have come to do Your will"

And no one takes my life,

you see I lay it down now willingly

And I will draw all men to me

When I ascend that hill


Read: Revelation 5:1-14 and John 14:6

Revelation chapter 5 tells the story of what happens when Jesus finally opens the scroll and ascends to the throne of the Father on our behalf.  He is the only one worthy, and through the cross, he is able to present us holy and blameless on the day that we arrive to meet him face to face.  Jesus says “I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one can come to the Father except through me.”  There is nothing else in life that is worthy of our worship, our praise, or even our time.  He alone is worthy.  What a privilege to know Jesus personally, and to walk in step with him this week as we follow his path to the cross.

How deeply, completely, and abundantly loved we must be.  To know that Jesus loves us enough to experience so much suffering and pain on our behalf is astounding. When life is hard and things don’t make sense, remind yourself of these truths.  You are fully loved.  Your misery will pass and one day fade away.  Life is short and you were made for eternity with Jesus. 

He is worthy! 


Do you feel the world is broken? (We do)

Do you feel the shadows deepen? (We do)

But do you know that all the dark
won't stop the light from getting through? (We do)

Do you wish that you could see it all made new? (We do)


Read Matthew 26:36-46, Romans 8:28

Today is the day that Jesus gathered his friends and hosted the Last Supper.  This final meal had more meaning than anyone present could ever imagine.  Jesus would enjoy fellowship with those he loved for the final time, and would then go willingly to do what he had come to earth to do.  He knew he was hours away from a painful death, and that the final steps on the path to the cross would be a brutal journey.  When the meal was over, he went with his disciples to the garden of Gethsemane.  

This scene, maybe more than any other scene in scripture, details the raw humanity of Jesus, and illustrates the depth of what he experienced on our behalf.  In this garden, Jesus suffered anxiety, despair, and abandonment as his best friends fell asleep while praying for him.  He even asked God if there was any other way for him to accomplish this mission.  But regardless, he was committed to doing the will of the Father, not his own.  He was willing to trust that God knew what he was doing, and that God was always good.  

This night would bring the betrayal of Judas, the denial of Peter, and many long, dark hours of brutal treatment by people that he created, loved, and was about to die for.  Jesus was overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.  His humanity caused him to ask God if there was any other way.  But there was not.  He had to suffer immensely to save us.  Be encouraged as you walk through your own suffering and difficult times!  Even in the midst of a crazy world afflicted by a global disease, God is always good.  It’s the truest of truths.  God is always good!  


You're always good, always good

As we try to believe what is not meant to be understood

Will You help us to trust Your intentions for us are still good

'Cause You laid down Your life

And You suffered like I never could

You’re always good



Today, you’re reading scripture directly from all four gospels when you read the words to this song below.  According to the scripture, Jesus said seven things while he was on the cross.  Traditionally, these are called the “Seven Last Words of the Cross”.  You could write a book on each one of these seven things, so it’s a little much to comment on them all.  Just listen to the song and let each phrase do its work.  It’s amazing how the lyrics progress from Jesus forgiving those who are crucifying him (us) to his final words of total surrender to the Father’s will.  

After a long, sleepless, and brutal night at the hands of the local authorities and religious leaders, Jesus spent the morning barely walking his final steps.  He carried an enormous wooden cross up a mountain and endured the mocking and insults of the people of Jerusalem.  Once he finally reached the top, he was crucified, and hung there for three painful hours before taking his last breath.  On the cross, Jesus displayed humility, faithfulness, trust, selflessness, and the deepest love any human is capable of.  And his love was directed toward me and you.

As you enjoy this holy day today, remember that it is a GOOD Friday.  It’s the best Friday ever.  Jesus rescued us through his death on our behalf, so we could have eternal life with him and abundant life today.   


Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do
Forgive them, they know not what they do

Today you will be with me in Paradise
You will be with me today

Behold your son, behold your mother, behold your son

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Why have you forsaken me?

I thirst, I thirst

It is finished, it is finished

Father, into your hands, into your hands
I commit my spirit



Read Genesis 2:1-2, Philippians 1:6, Ephesians 3:20

It’s Saturday after the crucifixion.  Still a full day away from the resurrection on Easter morning.  The world had gone dark and cold for a few hours, Jesus was absent and gone, and people everywhere waited to see what would happen.  The disciples had scattered, their minds filled with doubts and hopes and fears.  Everyone hoped that Jesus was who he said he was.  And everyone was trying to make sense out of chaos.  

In the beginning, God did powerful and mighty works in creation.  After creating and shaping the world as we know it in six days...on Saturday, he rested.  God had also done powerful and mighty works through Jesus his son during his 33 years on earth.  But again, on Saturday, God rested. 

God isn’t limited by time like we are.  He is outside of time, so he knows what the next chapters of our life will hold.  For a brief time, Jesus limited himself to a world of human understanding.  But God knew what he was doing.  There are times in our lives where it feels like God is absent.  The reality is that he is resting.  Resting from an amazing work of creation and preparing to do an even mightier work of resurrection.  Only he knows the timing that is best.  In Philippians 1:6, Paul says that he is confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion.  He WILL, not he might, or he can.  Whatever your heart is like today, you can bet that God sees you and knows exactly where you are.  He may be resting right now, but he is preparing you for immeasurably more than you could ever ask or imagine.  


So they laid their hopes away
They buried all their dreams
about the kingdom He proclaimed
And they sealed them in the grave
As a holy silence fell on all Jerusalem

But the Pharisees were restless
Pilate had no peace
And Peter’s heart was restless
Mary couldn’t sleep

But God rested


EASTER SUNDAY - “His Heart Beats”

Read Matthew 28:1-10, Revelation 21:5

Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed!  What a glorious day!  For the follower of Christ, there is no day like Easter Sunday.  

Changing seasons are a glorious part of God’s creation  Each one has its uniqueness, as it brings newness to the earth just in time.  In fall and winter, the warmth of the sun goes away and blasts of cold blow in its place.  Fields of green turn gray and become lifeless for months.  Leaves turn brown and fall to the ground, only to become mulch on the forest floor.  Seeds fall from the branches and are buried deep in the dirt.  

Are these harsh conditions really necessary?  For God’s earth to function the way it was created, it must be so.  Every year, we get to watch it happen over and over again.  Leaves die, acorns fall, and the vibrant earth becomes barren for a season.  Seeds lie buried and lifeless under layers of dirt and snow for months, waiting patiently for the return of the spring.  They are not dead…in fact, they are filled with the potential for life.  But they must wait patiently for another change of seasons that will eventually come.  For every barren winter, there is hope just beyond the cold darkness.  Spring is coming.  

The beauty of creation, as it cycles through the seasons, echoes the greatest story ever told.  The story of a broken and fallen people, waiting patiently through the coldness of winter for their spring to come.  Just as creation waits and longs for the new life of spring, so do God’s people.  

Today we celebrate the Risen Savior!  For the past three days, Jesus has experienced brutality like no human has ever known.  After suffering a criminal’s death and being utterly forsaken by God his father, Christ the Lord has risen today!  Hallelujah!  This Holy Week is filled with all the broken twists and turns and complicated ups and downs that humanity is capable of.  But Jesus suffered and died for it all!  Your sin - past, present, and future - has been nailed to the cross and you bear it no more!  Life from death.  Beauty from ashes.  Healing from brokenness.  

Christ is risen!  He is risen indeed!  His heart beats, and he will never die again.  Behold, He is making all things new! 


His heart beats
His blood begins to flow
Waking up what was dead a moment ago
And His heart beats, now everything is changed
'Cause the blood that brought us peace with God
Is racing through His veins
And His heart beats
His heart beats

(Bonus second song?  All Things New)

Ed Sweeny